A woman at a desk sends lead nurturing emails following an expo

Summary: After exhibiting at an expo, follow up with leads to transform connections into customers. Organize lead data, send personalized emails, and schedule calls or virtual meetings to nurture relationships. Plan for future expos to expand your network, learn industry trends, and build brand presence.

You’ve prepared an inviting and interactive booth. You’ve used authentic body language and the art of conversation to draw prospects in. You’ve collected business cards, contact information, and information about decision-making processes.

Now what?

The real work begins after exhibiting at an expo. The onus is on you to follow up and transform your many new leads into customers. You’ll need to nurture your leads, capitalize on connections, and ensure your business’s long-term success.

In this chapter, we’ll explain what successful exhibitors do following a conference or trade show. Continue reading to learn how to boost your event ROI using a sound post-event lead nurturing strategy.

Review and Organize Your Lead Data

In Chapter 2, we discussed using tools such as lead scanners to help you collect data from prospects. These devices typically integrate with your existing CRM.

If you took that advice while exhibiting, you’ll have your leads organized, including all of your notes. They may even already be categorized into hot, warm, and cold categories. From there, it will be easy to segment them further to begin the lead nurturing process.

If you didn’t use a lead scanner, you’ll have more work ahead of you. We advise you to review and organize your leads as soon as possible after exhibiting. It’s crucial that your outreach is tailored and specific. The more time that passes, the less you’ll recall, and the more details may become muddied.

Whether or not you used a digital tool at the expo, it’s wise to digitize your lead information in the aftermath. Consider batch-scanning business cards using a dedicated business-card scanning app. Many CRMs have integrated scanning features that can make this process more efficient. If you used forms at the expo, if possible, use your CRM’s import functionality to make this process quicker.

This is also the time to reflect on the expo itself. Use what you learned to refine your follow-up strategies. It’s also a good idea to assess which products or services generated the most interest.

Lead Nurturing Strategies

Your post-event strategy matters. It’s time to put the information you’ve gathered to work. Here are the follow-up strategies that turn prospects into customers.

Send Personalized Emails

Sending a personalized email is about more than using your contact’s name (though you should definitely do that). It’s a great opportunity to focus on the pain points you discussed at the expo. Ensure you’re focusing on their needs even more so than you focus on the product. Position yourself as the solution to their problem, and remind them why.

The best time to send a lead nurturing email is within 48 hours of the event. As with all email communication, a clear and specific call to action is essential. CTAs might include scheduling a call, visiting your website, or downloading a resource. Use direct, actionable language so there is no ambiguity.

This is also a great opportunity to offer a discount or promotion. Making it time-bound can sometimes help speed up the decision-making process.

A decision-maker on a video call following an expo

Phone Calls and Virtual Meetings

Your most engaged leads (in the “hot” category) might be ready to continue the conversation immediately. Note who requested more information, and aim to reach out no more than three days after the expo. The same goes for any leads who engaged with your follow-up email shortly after receiving it.

A great meeting will begin with a quick recap of what you discussed at the expo. Aim to offer as much value as possible. Likewise, center their pain points in the conversation.

Always end with a clear next step, and be sure to follow through. A thank you email with a recap is an excellent practice.

Social Media Engagement

Always meet your prospects where they are. It may be appropriate to connect with leads on Linked In or other social media platforms.

This doesn’t necessarily need to involve direct outreach. Simply make yourself visible by posting a recap of the expo, updates, or pertinent industry news. If you receive engagement, you can send a personalized follow-up message using the platform.

Plan for Future Expos

As discussed in Chapter 4, it’s difficult to calculate your true event ROI immediately. It takes time for leads to convert, and intangible benefits may accrue slowly.

Many exhibitors find value in reflecting, attending another conference, and comparing the results. This allows them to reap the tangible and intangible benefits of exhibiting while refining their event strategy.

Benefits of attending more expos include:

  • Building a larger network and opening up more opportunities.
  • Learning from other exhibitors and industry trends to improve your own strategy.
  • Strengthening your brand presence and building recognition in the industry.

We encourage you to adopt a mindset of continuous learning and adaptation based on your expo experiences. Exhibiting at your local expo can help ensure you “own your hometown” and become respected in your geographic market. However, consider attending expos in new markets beyond your business’s geographical region. This can often open up new customer segments and expand your reach.

Remember, the more your brand is seen, the more your brand is remembered. Building top-of-mind awareness is crucial. Over time, expos may provide a platform to showcase your expertise. You may be able to give presentations, lead workshops, or moderate panel discussions.

Not only will attendance lead to continuous lead generation, but it will also lead to long-term business relationships. As your relationships grow, so will your brand image and customer loyalty.

We invite you to exhibit with us at The Small Business Expo. We’re proud to be the largest conference and event of its type in the United States. Exhibit today and discover our powerful lead generation and B2B marketing for yourself.

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