Automate to Captivate: Building and Engaging Your Customer Base with Marketing Automation

• 2:45PM - 3:15PM • Booth 508

As a marketer, your goal is to guide the customer through each stage of the customer journey, providing the right information and experiences to move them towards a purchase and beyond. Join this session as we discuss ways to reliably attract new followers and convert them into fans, engage your audience, and easily identify super fans to advocate for you.

Presented by:

April_Terry- Transparent
April Terry from ActiveCampaign Headshot Photo at Small Business Expo

April Terry ActiveCampaign

April Terry is an ActiveCampaign customer trainer who is passionate about one thing - helping others succeed and achieve their goals. Previously an accomplished Revenue Enablement professional, she has provided invaluable support to sales and customer success teams, imparting product knowledge and skills training to secure and retain new business for technology leaders in the project management and marketing platform industries. At ActiveCampaign, she travels the country, conducting Study Halls—a live, hands-on email and marketing automation workshop.
April Terry is an ActiveCampaign customer trainer who is passionate about one thing - helping others succeed and achieve their goals. Previously an accomplished Revenue Enablement professional, she has provided invaluable support to sales and customer success teams, imparting product knowledge and skills training to secure and retain new business for technology leaders in the project management and marketing platform industries. At ActiveCampaign, she travels the country, conducting Study Halls—a live, hands-on email and marketing automation workshop.