Effective Marketing

• 11:15AM - 11:45AM • Workshop Room 1

In this workshop explore the basics of marketing and how it relates to sales. Learn what you are or are not doing in the marketing arena and how to effectively incorporate marketing to enhance your business goals.

Presented by:

Emily Goble headshot Brainiest-whitebg
Emily Goble from Brainiest AI Technology Headshot Photo at Small Business Expo

Emily Goble Brainiest AI Technology

Emily Goble has been in the public communication industry for over twenty years. As Brainiest AI’s Customer Success Manager she ensures Brainiest subscribers needs are being met. Her strong background in museums, education and the non-profit world made her passionate about helping people craft and communicate their stories for a broad audience. She is excited to help small businesses create the quality marketing content they need to share their visions and engage their audience.
Emily Goble has been in the public communication industry for over twenty years. As Brainiest AI’s Customer Success Manager she ensures Brainiest subscribers needs are being met. Her strong background in museums, education and the non-profit world made her passionate about helping people craft and communicate their stories for a broad audience. She is excited to help small businesses create the quality marketing content they need to share their visions and engage their audience.