Lead Gen Mastery: How 2 Podcast Interviews A Week Can Transform Your Business

• 10:30AM - 11:00AM • Workshop Room 4

Are you sick and tired of trying to get leads from social media? What if you could create consistent leads and sales, week in and week out with just 2 simple steps? Learn how we generated over $1M in revenue without even having a website.

Presented by:

Gini Trask from Need A Guest Headshot Photo at Small Business Expo

Gini Trask Need A Guest

Born into a family of entrepreneurs, business is simply second nature to Gini. She began her first business at the age of 16 and never stopped. She has owned and grown numerous small businesses from incubation into the multi millions and continues to help other small business owners optimize their ventures. She is passionate about helping entrepreneurs create businesses that serve their life and the world at large.
Born into a family of entrepreneurs, business is simply second nature to Gini. She began her first business at the age of 16 and never stopped. She has owned and grown numerous small businesses from incubation into the multi millions and continues to help other small business owners optimize their ventures. She is passionate about helping entrepreneurs create businesses that serve their life and the world at large.