Brand Brilliance: Mastering Time for Business Triumph

• 11:15AM - 11:45AM • Workshop Room 1

Step into the spotlight and supercharge your business at our dynamic workshop! Join us for an electrifying session where we dive deep into the heartbeat of modern business—time. Discover how to reclaim your precious moments and amplify your brand's impact in a fast-paced world.

In this exhilarating workshop, we unveil eye-opening statistics that unravel the mysteries of advertising, websites, and consumer behavior. Delve into the intricate dance between consumers and your brand, unlocking the secrets to captivating their attention and igniting lasting connections.

No more fading into the background—learn actionable strategies to shine brightly in every interaction. From crafting compelling ad campaigns to optimizing your website for maximum engagement, we leave no stone unturned in our quest to propel your business to new heights.

Say goodbye to time wasted and hello to a future filled with possibilities. Join fellow entrepreneurs and small business owners in this unforgettable journey toward success.

Presented by:

Joe Draper from IDMATCH.AI Headshot Photo at Small Business Expo


Joe Draper: Humble Entrepreneur... no such thing! Early Years and Window Sales (1999-2005) Joe Draper's journey in the world of sales began in 1999 when he embarked on a career selling windows and siding. His dedication, charisma, and keen understanding of customer needs quickly set him apart in the competitive industry. Over the next few years, Joe honed his sales skills and built a solid reputation as a trustworthy and customer-focused salesman. Founding a Home Improvement Empire (2005-2019) In 2005, driven by a relentless entrepreneurial spirit, Joe took a bold leap and founded his own home improvement company. Drawing from his experience in the industry, he implemented innovative
Joe Draper: Humble Entrepreneur... no such thing! Early Years and Window Sales (1999-2005) Joe Draper's journey in the world of sales began in 1999 when he embarked on a career selling windows and siding. His dedication, charisma, and keen understanding of customer needs quickly set him apart in the competitive industry. Over the next few years, Joe honed his sales skills and built a solid reputation as a trustworthy and customer-focused salesman. Founding a Home Improvement Empire (2005-2019) In 2005, driven by a relentless entrepreneurial spirit, Joe took a bold leap and founded his own home improvement company. Drawing from his experience in the industry, he implemented innovative strategies and a client-centric approach that propelled his business to new heights. The company flourished under Joe's leadership, becoming a multimillion-dollar enterprise known for its top-notch service and quality workmanship. Venturing into Solar Energy (2019-2023) Never one to rest on his laurels, Joe set his sights on the burgeoning field of solar energy in 2019. Despite humble beginnings, his unwavering determination and foresight guided the company through its initial challenges. Under Joe's guidance, the solar energy venture rapidly expanded, eventually evolving into another multimillion-dollar success story. Joe's commitment to sustainability and clean energy solutions positioned his company as a leader in the rapidly growing renewable energy sector. Discovering a Revolutionary Marketing Platform (2020-Present) With decades of experience in marketing and sales, Joe Draper kept a vigilant eye on emerging trends in the business world. In 2020, he stumbled upon a groundbreaking marketing platform that promised to revolutionize the way businesses conveyed their messages. Recognizing the potential, Joe incorporated this cutting-edge technology into his solar energy company's marketing strategy, witnessing unprecedented success. This innovative platform not only transformed Joe's own business but inspired him to share this game-changing tool with the wider business community. Joe Draper, always the visionary, became a vocal advocate for this revolutionary marketing approach, demonstrating how it could reshape the landscape of advertising and communications for businesses across various industries. Today, Joe Draper stands as a testament to the power of entrepreneurial spirit, adaptability, and innovation. From his early days selling windows to pioneering sustainable energy solutions and revolutionizing marketing practices, Joe's journey exemplifies the extraordinary possibilities that come from embracing change and staying ahead of the curve.