The Funding Cheat Code: $250K to Build, Scale, and Dominate in 2025

• 2:45PM - 3:15PM • Workshop Room 2

Discover how to unlock up to $250,000 in business credit. Learn the strategies to build, leverage, and grow your funding power to take your business to the next level in the new year!

Presented by:

Zac Ricci headshot v2-whitebg
Zac Ricci from Fund&Grow Headshot Photo at Small Business Expo

Zac Ricci Fund&Grow

Zac Ricci has been a key member of Fund&Grow for over a decade, bringing extensive expertise in business funding. As a funding expert, he not only educates clients but also shares his knowledge through Fund&Grow's YouTube channel. In addition to being a trusted educator, Zac serves as the company’s video producer, helping create engaging and informative content.
Zac Ricci has been a key member of Fund&Grow for over a decade, bringing extensive expertise in business funding. As a funding expert, he not only educates clients but also shares his knowledge through Fund&Grow's YouTube channel. In addition to being a trusted educator, Zac serves as the company’s video producer, helping create engaging and informative content.