Thriving in Today’s Competitive Job Market: The Power of Job Ads That Stand Out to Top Talent

• Workshop Room 3

Learn how to create job ads that attract the candidates your company needs – before your competition hires them first. Wizehire’s CEO, Sid Upadhyay, shares straightforward hiring strategies for posting effective job ads that will help your business find and hire top talent in today’s competitive job market.

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Sid Upadhyay from CEO, WizeHire Headshot Photo at Small Business Expo

Sid Upadhyay CEO, WizeHire

Sid Upadhyay is the CEO and co-founder of Wizehire, a leading hiring platform helping small businesses grow with a better way to hire. Prior to founding WizeHire, Sid and WizeHire co-founder Jay Niblick developed personality assessments and technology for Fortune 500 companies. Sid saw firsthand how effective personality assessments are during the hiring process. He thought, “How can we bring these benefits to small businesses to help them hire the same caliber of talent as large corporations?” When Sid and Jay brought personality assessments to the small business market, they realized there was so much more that they needed. Small business owners could benefit from writing bett
Sid Upadhyay is the CEO and co-founder of Wizehire, a leading hiring platform helping small businesses grow with a better way to hire. Prior to founding WizeHire, Sid and WizeHire co-founder Jay Niblick developed personality assessments and technology for Fortune 500 companies. Sid saw firsthand how effective personality assessments are during the hiring process. He thought, “How can we bring these benefits to small businesses to help them hire the same caliber of talent as large corporations?” When Sid and Jay brought personality assessments to the small business market, they realized there was so much more that they needed. Small business owners could benefit from writing better job ads, the ability to post their opportunities in more places, and a hiring process that is fast, easy, and affordable. Sid responded to this need in the market and wrote the original code for Wizehire in 2014. Now, the company serves more than 18,000 customers and has 130+ employees. As the company has expanded, Wizehire has maintained its excellent company culture, recently named to Inc.'s Best Workplaces list in both 2022 and 2021. In May 2022, Sid led the company through a $30 million Series B funding round, bringing the company’s total funding to date to $37.5 million and its valuation to $250 million, to carry out his vision of a world where every business on Main Street succeeds. Sid holds a B.S. in statistics from the University of Texas at Austin, is an avid cook, and lives in Houston with his wife and Wheaton Terrier-Poodle mix, Pippa.