Alexandra N. CohenANC Consult
Alexandra resolves business challenges for small and medium businesses and creates roadmaps for them to thrive. Whether coaching entrepreneur clients1:1 to increase effectiveness and position their business for growth or leading complex consulting projects that require multitasking, precision, and production of impeccable deliverables, Alex is invested in the success of every client. Through wisdom and insights gleaned in her 15-year legal career, building her own law firm and then working with numerous small businesses to streamline operations and increase sales, Alex brings a unique perspective and skill set to the world of business consulting. She brings her insightful analysis to her work with business owners to quickly and effectively apply the right strategies in the correct order - all designed to grow their business to its maximum capacity.Alexandra is a graduate of Johns Hopkins University (B.A., International Studies);Hofstra University School of Law (J.D.); and Middlebury Institute of International Studies (MBA, Global Impact Management and M.A., International Policy &Development).