Mike HeronimePositive Brand

As the president and executive director of creative solutions for Positive Brand, Mike Heronime has helped companies and organizations large and small from Fortune 500 companies and non-profit organizations to fledgling startups - organizations like American Airlines, American Locker, Blatchford, Children International, dotFIT, Fisher Clinical Services, Fidelity Investments, Food Bank for New York, Food For The Poor, Global IP Networks, Good Year, Humane Society International, Intel, Interstate Batteries, My Joy Yoga, Pepsi, PelviX, Rapid SOS, Salam Forever, Sara Lee, Service Experts, Southern HVAC, Subaru, Susan G. Komen, Table 87, Unilever, and XWELL grow their revenue through insight-based, integrated strategic and creative marketing solutions. 

Revolution Magazine named his Pepsistuff campaign as The Best Consumer Marketing Campaign of the Year. ADWEEK calls him an expert on online advertising and iMedia Magazine turns to him as an authority on youth marketing. 

As a certified behavioral scientist, Mike specializes in taking a scientific approach to defining marketing strategy based on insights into human nature. His decades of experience with behavioral science as a researcher, practitioner, and analyst of marketing programs combined with his creative experience in producing award-winning campaigns has helped clients achieve aggressive levels of growth for their brands and their company's bottom line.

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